I received some EXCELLENT news on Wednesday at PT! Apparently the PT we've been having was not the "normal" ATO PT. I guess its usually been harder, but the instructor that usually does it was too busy doing orders to get around to coming to PT. But luckily for all of the "O" strand (ATO's) he's back! Wooo!! I was wondering when PT was going to get harder.... . . . . . ... . . . hah.
But I also checked my calendar and we should only have, TOPS, four PT sessions left with our class because of the two were missing from Labor Day weekend, and we get to "buy out" of tomorrows PT as a fundraiser for the NAVY Christmas party... But I think.. Yes.. I AM crazy.. I think I'm going to keep PTing with the "O" strand until I leave Florida. I actually like this working out in the Military thing.. Very odd I know.
It raining again.. WOO! :]
And I guess this weekend were going to a super cool restaurant, that's apparently on a race track.. And they have races you can watch while you dine. Sweet!
I don't have any exciting news yet. But I'll keep you posted if you keep coming by and checking..
Only 9 more days of school!!!! Woo!
And just a little humor for your day...

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