Great Lakes - Great Mistakes
Though I loved Great Lakes.
I miss it all the time.
Started off in the Franklin, which as you can see in the picture below, is near the top.
It was in BOONDOCK ville. To get anywhere we had to walk and walk and walk. (See the big plus sign looking building, in the middle.. It's the Galley.) The delicious Great Lakes galley. We had 5 lines, Italian, American, Deli, Boot camp, and Chinese. Delish. Bobby was very jealous. hah.
After several weeks on "hold", not doing much of anything but cleaning. I finally got classed up for ATT (Apprentice Technical Training), which was a fun class learning about circuitry. I had the coolest teacher, and I loved learning about the circuits. It was like a constant science experiment... which didn't deal with chemicals or test tubes.. Just electronics.
(Look in the bottom right of this picture.. The Big white builing with the courtyard, that was the ATT building. Which I was in from 430 to 1230AM.... It was a night class) Boo.
After I started ATT I was moved into the Enterprise, which is near the galley. WOO!! ha ha
It was a huge building, and an incredibly old one at that. The oldest barracks on the base, which was apparently already being used in World War 2...
I tried to make this very clear.. In order to get to my room... I had to walk ALLLLLLL the way around the building.. Boy oh Boy.. Forgetting something was like a small burst of hatred into the world. ha ha.
I miss the trees!
The squirrels.. Ha. We had TONS of squirrels. And at every liberty breifing it was always made very clear "Do not touch the squirrels! Do not FEED the squirrels!". They would actually come straight up to you, as tame as they had been made, which was always frightening for me.. I did not want their crazy little squirrel diseases. Right before I left, a squirrel had decided to jump from our roof onto the tree in our courtyard.. Only to realize he couldnt get back out. He was our pet.. He grew very fond of a McDonalds diet.
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