June 4th I moved out to Pensacola for my A School, (Which is like the basic schooling for my soon to be job) Aviation Electronics Technician.
Great Lakes felt like ghetto ville compared to NATTC, that's right, its pronounced "Nazi".. Oh boy it cracks me up. This base is HUGE. I definitely still miss Illinois, this place is just waaaaay too hot and humid, there are three trees on base, and no wildlife.... Other than those crazy Marines.. hah.
I live in Delta barracks, which is almost an all female barracks. It also houses the AC's. (Air Control man). That would be a pretty scary job, they direct coming aircraft in for landing.

These are the barracks, galley, and the Mega building... which I'm sure you have already assumed is that MEGA building. It is where all the magic happens. If you don't know where something is, you can just assume its in The Mega Building. ha
The white building you see in the bottom right hand corner is Portside, where I've been working while in holding. But I start school tomorrow... So..
Pensacola is a very unlucky place. But my girls and I have decided to blame it on an inanimate object.

Ever since my roommate, Steinbacher, broke this ironing board.. We have had nothing but bad luck. But we keep it around simply because how silly would it be to have to carry an open ironing board across the Quarter Deck. Trust me.. It would be Silly. hah.
Take for example my horribly unlucky Monday of last week. First of all, I had to wake up and go to school. Pretty unlucky already. It was an internet course and to sign into the computers we have to use our "CAC" card, which I just realized stands for Common Access Card Card. ha ha. Well anyways.. mine wasn't working, so another guy and I had to go to the AWAT (which was the class we were taking) office to get a walking chit to go to PSD to get a our cards fixed. If you were here, and new how horrible this office was, you would understand the horrible luck behind it.
There are a couple simple rules to follow when entering this office:
Stand behind the tape in the hallway until the office is clear.
Pound on the door three times and return to your spot behind the tape, in parade rest.
Wait until you hear "Enter".
Open and pound on the door yelling "Student on deck!".
Walk in a military manner up to the foot marks they have in front of the desk.
Stand at attention, "Airman apprentice Webster, Classroom 2243, reporting as ordered".
They tell you to stand at ease, and then critizice everything wrong with your uniform. (They will start making stuff up before they let your uniform slide through)
You state your buisness.
When you get dismissed, they say "dismissed".
"Dismissed Aye".
Take a step back with your left foot.
"Good Morning/Good Afternoon."
About face.
Walk out.
Pound on the door "Student off deck!"
But beware of all the important people in this room watching your everymove. It was my first time into that office that morning, and I had to repeat some steps over and over again. Talk about "Soup Nazi!".
So after I left that lovely office, the other guy and I made our way to get our ID's fixed. The Petty Officer at the desk told us to go have a seat down the hall, which is apparently where they send people to die. We waited for a good hour. And then a woman came to file the line of people that had formed down some hallways into an office. I sat down with another woman, who then decided I would need a brand new ID. (Be known that I had JUST gotten a new ID 13 days earlier). So I went back to the Petty Officer at the desk who gave me a #, and I sat back down to wait. When they finally called my number I was given to another lady, and we began to make a new ID. (I was very depressed when they said I'd need a brand new one, because of ALL of my ID's in ALL of my life, it was the best picture I've ever taken. ha) So we waited and waited for it to print, and.. it didnt work. She had to make THREE ID's before she got one to work. "I've never had this problem before, I don't know what could possibly be wrong", she stated...
Mam... May I suggest the Broken Ironing Board. ha ha
(Oh, and the day before, my roommate and I had gone camping and one of our friends did the whole "I wish I knew karate thing and I'm going to pretend to hit you in the face, but I actually am going to hit you in the face with my crazy nails and put a huge scratch between your eyes, so when you go take a new ID picture you have a lovely dark spot between your eyes") Very sweet of him.
So after being at this office for almost 2 1/2 hours, it was back to the AWAT office. I did better this time though. :]
Lunch came, and lunch time during school is impossible. The lines are so incredibly backed up out the doors. I decided I would go back to my barracks, get something out of the vending machine and go chill in my room. Well... Not one, but TWO vending machines took my money. After spending much more money than necessary I got up to my room only to find the door shut! Errr.
You see, my roommate and I were assigned to a room with a broken lock. You cannot shut the door unless you want to be locked out, and you definitely don't want to be locked out if you're headmates (Your neighbors that share your bathroom with you) are gone as well.. Because then you have to go to the MTI's (Military Training Instructors) and tell them how stupid they are that everytime they go into our room for inspection they shut our door, KNOWING we can't get back in. Oy.
Then it was back to school I went.
There were a couple more things wrong with that day, but I cannot remember them all right now. I try to block it out. hah. It was such a crazy day that I couldn't help but laugh at every sign of badluck. <3
Hoo Yah Pensacola!