Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Now I..

7 am used to be early,
it means I've already been up for four hours.

8 pm used to be early,
now it means I've already been asleep for an hour.

I used to wear my hair down,
it barely ever leaves a bun.

I used to wear high heels and flip flops,
now my toes barely ever leave their steel toed companions.

70 degrees used to be cold,
now I'm happy if the temperature hits high 40's

80 degrees used to be warm,
now I start removing layers when it hits 60.

I used to wear skirts, and jeans,
now I have to blouse my cargo pants.

I used to love Camouflage,
now I don't care for it very much.

I used to be interested in all things man-made flying overhead,
now I just want them to pass so I can finish my conversation.

I used to sit at home wondering what to do with my life,
now I've done something I can be proud of.

I used to serve wine,
now I'm a sharpshooter.

I used to punch holes in ski lift passes,
now I crawl in and out of, on top of and under the largest helicopters in the NAVY.

I used to ring up customers at the cash register,
now I'm part of a team keeping THIS safe and in the sky.

I may not enjoy everyday.
I may not love waking up at 3am, or going to bed at 7pm.
But I'm proud of what I do.
I wouldn't go back and change a thing.

1 comment:

  1. I am PROUD of you too! You are amazing... just the way you are. I Love YOU!
