Sunday, December 6, 2009


Sorry It's been so long since the last post! I just can't be a very good blogger. I feel like a nerd-y when I blog.. Ha ha ..

But I want to be able to keep the Fam' up to date on everything, since I'm so horrible at calling.. 0.0 hah.

I've been in Norfolk, VA for about a month and 7 days. Still loving it.
Just got a car last Saturday!

His names Ducky! Hah. Its manual, and I bought it without the knowledge of and skill of stick shift driving, so I've been learning. He's a little upset most of the time at how I drive him.. ha ha.. But I'm getting better!

Im currently waiting for a E-mail back, of an application to do volunteer work at the Norfolk Zoo! I hope I get accepted! That would be super awesome! :] I'll just have to see how difficult its gonna be to drive over there.. ha ha

Hmmm.. What else, what else.. Its not snowing here in VA, which Im actually a little bummed about.. But it has been pouring a ton! Everyone keeps telling me to wait for Winter, then it'll start being soooo cold!.. Uhh.. Its the 7th of DECEMBER! When does winter on the East Coast begin? Im sure the mountain back home is covered in snow!! hah.

I love work so far! You can actually see my command from the second picture from the top. Its near the right side, with all the helicopters. hah :D

Let me just remind you of how HUGE they are!

Its so very exhilerating when you're climbing around on your Helicopter Jungle Gym after its been soaked in leaking oils, and greases and rain all night long. Plus... These boots.. Have NO traction! I get butterflies a couple times a day from my slip sliding around on top of them. My Favorite so far is climbing out onto the tail while is folding, and jumping to the other side with the blades on it, and greasing the inside of it. Its so exciting! hah